Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Ethical Codes And Guidelines Are Not Like Basic Recipes
Ethics is an ongoing process in counseling in which every counselor should have some sort of knowledge about. Standard ethical codes and guidelines are not like basic recipes. They are very broad and vague. Ethical codes are often use for what you need to do, but not always how you should do it. Ethics is a word that’s widely used and an integral piece to the helping profession. Ethics is important for all individuals who are working in the helping profession, including mental health, rehabilitation, and/or guidance. They are in a position to provide a framework to clients ethically and legally. Professional ethics has become very popular throughout the years. It has become imperative for counselors to create a professional environment with an aim to ensure behaviors that are acceptable and professional. By creating this environment, counselors should have a concrete and strong ethical foundation which will be paramount for becoming a notable counselor. Ethical codes contain core values and morals to help with professional behavior. This is by making solid ethical decisions when counseling clients in any type of therapeutic session. Counselors should always be mindful and highly ethical when working with clients. Your own individual ethical awareness and problem-solving techniques should all determine how well you can translate various ethics codes into your personal professional behavior. All counselors should become knowledgeable of the standards andShow MoreRelatedBusi 561 Legal Issues in Business7036 Words  | 29 Pagescompany that operates a number of cheesecake and wine restaurants. Originally founded in New York City, RAPIDS has since expanded to include international locations. RAPIDS was formed as a subchapter S corporation. The company abides by the highest ethical principles and ensures that all employees maintain these high standards. RAPIDS’s policies are all based on Christian principles. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Hemingway’s “The Short and Happy Life of Francis Macomber†Free Essays
The text â€Å"The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber†is a short story written in 1936 by an author called Ernest Hemingway. The story revolves around three people; a man called Francis Macomber, his wife Margot and another man called Robert Wilson. The story isn’t narrated from a fixed point of view, but changes multiple times throughout the story. We will write a custom essay sample on Hemingway’s â€Å"The Short and Happy Life of Francis Macomber†or any similar topic only for you Order Now The story isn’t chronological, as there is a long flashback in the middle of the story. Francis Macomber is a very wealthy American man. Although we aren’t told what his profession is, my guess would be that he is some sort of big-name businessman, as we are told that his wealth is only going to grow, and he is regularly featured in magazines together with his wife. Many people will probably describe Francis as a pushover, but I wouldn’t say so. He does strike me as being extremely passive, and never takes action when he feels that something isn’t going the way he wants it to. In spite of this Francis does have a very developed sense of pride, and when he is dishonored it hurts him a great deal. Margaret Macomber is a very handsome woman, who is married to Francis. She doesn’t seem to have a profession of her own, but we are told she does earn some money off of her beauty. Margaret is a extremely unlikeable character, she is completely stripped of empathy, and seems to care for nothing but her own needs. Robert Wilson is an English professional hunter, who is residing in Africa, earning his money by taking rich foreigners out to realize their dream of killing lions, buffalos, rhinos and other animals that doesn’t live in the western world. Robert seems to enjoy his job of guiding rich people through Africa, not just because of his love for hunting, but also because of the extra benefits that comes along with guiding around the young wives of older wealthy men â€Å"He had hunted for a certain clientele, the international, fast, sporting set, where the women did not feel they were getting their money’s worth unless they had shared that cot with the white hunter. †All in all Wilson seems as the ultimate free man, and therefore fits perfectly with the demands of a code hero. He follows rules when he has to, but doesn’t really respect them, and if he sees them to be unjust, he makes up his own, but only to the point where he isn’t discovered. Apart from this he isn’t bound by anything else, Wilson doesn’t seem to be religious, and he sleeps with a lot of women, but doesn’t feel the need to commit himself. When there is something he doesn’t want to do, he simply doesn’t do it. Francis and Margaret Macomber are on a safari in Africa, to hunt for wild animals. It isn’t long though before we find out that not everything is going exactly as they had planned. â€Å"He was dressed in the same sort of safari clothes that Wilson wore except that his were new, he was thirty-five years old, kept himself very fit, was good at court games, had a number of big-game fishing records, and had just shown himself, very publicly, to be a coward. †. The four people seem to try to ignore it, as they go on with their routines without showing indications of any major events having taken place. This facade isn’t kept for long, as Margaret storms of in tears. When she leaves the 2 men stay behind, and we get some more info on what has happened earlier on. We are told that Francis had run from something, but we aren’t told exactly why he did so, and from what he ran. As Margaret returns and the three of them eat there are dropped some more subtle hints on what had happened. Maragaret taunts Francis with his cowardice, and also drops some ironic remarks about the lion, which leads us to thinking that it was the lion that Francis ran away from. We are then told the story about the lion. Francis thinks back on the night before, where the lion’s roars had kept him awake, and they terrified him a great deal. The following morning Margaret can tell that he isn’t feeling well, but being a man, who values his pride he doesn’t want to tell her, although, he eventually does. But after breakfast they go out to hunt for the lion. They find it at the side of a river, and Francis has the lion set up for a pretty good shot, but his nervousness gets the better of him, and he doesn’t get the kill shot in. Because of this the lion is able to escape, and hide in the tall grass. Wilson tells Francis that the lion is even more dangerous now that it is wounded and desperate, and Francis becomes even more scared and tries to escape the dangerous situation, via some ludicrous suggestions. But there’s no way out of it. And of course the expected happens, once the lion starts moving around Francis gets scared out of his mind, and starts running around like a crazy person. Margaret sees all of this, and is obviously disappointed with her husband; so much even that she turns to Wilson. â€Å"While they sat there his wife had reached forward and put her band on Wilson’s shoulder. He turned and she had leaned forward over the low seat and kissed him on the mouth†. To once again highlight Francis’ passiveness he sits through this without even saying a word. As they return to the camp Francis realizes that his and Margaret’s marriage might as well be over, but he also realizes that it will never end, as Margaret is now too old to get a better man than him, and he isn’t very good with the ladies. â€Å"but she was not a great enough beauty any more at home to be able to leave him and better herself and she knew it and he knew it. She had missed the chance to leave him and he knew it. If he had been better with women she would probably have started to worry about him getting another new, beautiful wife but she knew too much about him to worry about him either†. This confirms, once and for all, that there is absolutely nothing passionate about their marriage. The very same night Francis wakes up in the middle of the night, and finds that Margaret isn’t laying by his side, and she doesn’t come back for another two hours. And as if that isn’t enough Margaret again shows her complete lack of empathy, as she doesn’t even apologize to her husband, but just goes to sleep, as if nothing has happened. The next morning at breakfast Francis develops a great deal of animosity towards Wilson, and he ultimately throws quite a fit. Even so, Francis goes on to hunt for buffalos, and this goes a lot better than expected. Something happens with Francis and he is set free from the prison that is his own restraints. However, this newfound freedom doesn’t last for long, as Margaret shoots because one of the buffalos were charging for him. How to cite Hemingway’s â€Å"The Short and Happy Life of Francis Macomber†, Essays
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Comparison of the Power of One Movie and Book free essay sample
Differences and Similarities in a Tale of Courage For many years Hollywood has been making blockbuster movies based on bestselling novels, but often these movies differ greatly from the novel . The movie The Power of One based on a book of the same name follows this trend. The Power of One tells the story of Peekay, a boy living in South Africa who dreams of becoming the welterweight champion of the world, and who tries to correct the injustice that goes on around him. Although the movie does keep the main themes of the novel like racism and how one person can change the world. The film adds new plot twists and characters that make the story more exciting, but also changes important characters and storylines from the book that makes the novel endearing. The movie eliminates and changes important characters that are included in the book. Hoppie Gronewald is one of the novels most memorable characters . Even though he only appeared in a few chapters; he is able to leave a long lasting impact on the readers minds like he did in Peekays life. In the novel Hoppie is a welterweight boxer that introduces Peekay to boxing and gives him the dea of the Power of One. The character of Hoppie Gronewald in the movie is completely different from the character in the book. The character in the movie is an anti-racist Boxing coach who owns the gym Peekay trains at. In the novel this character is called Solly goldman not Hoppie Gronewald. Hopples quote First with the head and then with the heart, that way small can beat big [Courtenay 510] is told to Peekay by Geel piet in the movie. The character in the movie is unable to make the same impact on Peekays life like he does in the novel. By changing the character of Hoppie, the audience never gets to see how Peekay is comes across the idea of The Power of One. By Including Hoppie in the novel, Bryce Courtenay teaches his readers an important lesson, someone can change your life despite how short the period of contact they had with you. An important lesson the audience never gets to learn in the movie. Peekays mom is another character that appeared in both the novel and film, but not in the same context. In both versions Peekays mother suffers a Nervous breakdown, causing Peekay to be sent in boarding school. In the movie she dies after Peekay is sent to boarding school from an unknown cause. While in the book she recovers from her mental breakdown and becomes a Born again Christian. By eliminating the mother, the movie does not show the complicated relationship Peekay had with his mother in the book. An obvious difference between a novel and its movie is the way characters are portrayed. In the movie of The Power of One, the protagonist is a courageous hero who faces adversity, and who tries to change the world around him. One thing the movie does not truly show like the book did, is Peekays desire to ecome the welterweight champion of the world. If I had to choose between becoming the welterweight champion of the world and taking a law degree at oxford, the boxing would win[Courtenay 463]. ln the movie Peekays boxing takes a back seat to his desire to help the black people of South Africa . While in the book, Peekays dream of becoming the welterweight champion of the world is the main focus in the protagonists min d. Morrie is another character that is portrayed differently from the book. In the movie Morrie role is not as prominent as it was in the book. Though Morrie is still plays Peekays best friend and manager the movie changes Morrie last name from Levy to Gilbert and he is not the business savvy, gambling Jew like he was in the book. In both versions Morrie is also one of the few people that supported Peekays School for the blacks. The movie does not show the change that Morrie undergoes from ignoring the racial injustice inflicted on the black people to trying to change and better the lives of the African people. The afternoon of the fght was the first time I has ever been close the African people. I mean, actually experienced them as people, not Just servants or faithful family retainers, but as people with problems. the effect was shattering. I found myself liking them. [ Courtenay 446] In the movie, there are new storylines that are added to make the movie more exciting. For instance, Peekay gets a love interest Maria Elisabet Marias. She is the daughter of a National Party leader, who promotes Apartheid and disproves of Peekay and Marias relationship. In the novel Peekay has no such love interest, the only woman Peekay ever has a crush on is Miss. Bornstien. Another new storyline added to the movie is Peekay and the Judge. Peekays reunion with the Judge is dractically changed in the movie. In the book he reunites with the Judge at a bar in Northern Rhodeasia, while working as a miner. In the movie the Judge is a sergent in the German police who is hired by Marias father to spy on Peekay. He blames Peekay for his expulsion from school and repeatedly trys to stop Peekays attempt to educate black people. Though the movie and book have many differences, they both teach their viewers the same message. How one person can make a difference if they stand up for what is believed to be right rather than Just ignoring the injustice that happens in the world. Peekay in both the movie and book tries to change the way the black people in south africa are treated. The movie eliminates important characters in the book and adds new ones to make the movie more exciting. New storylines like Maria and Peekays relationship make the movie more intresting than the book. But by changing important characters and storyline the movie is unable to capture the true essence of the book.
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