Saturday, November 30, 2019
Manager Essay Example
Manager Essay Volkswagens U. S. subsidiary has launched a new pro-cess for allocating scarce IT budgets across a portfolio of project requests, in an effort to align IT activities better with corporate strategy. Now that they have used the process for the first time, though, and arrived at a list of approved projects, no one seems happy with the outcome. This case provides an opportunity to discuss the difficult governance issues that arise in making IT investment decisions. As you read the case, consider these questions: What is your assessment of the new process for managing priorities at Volkswagen? Are the criticisms Justified? Is it an improvement over the old process? Who controls the budgets from which IT prohects are funded at Volkswagen of America? Who should control these budgets? How should Matulovic respond to his fellow executives who are calling to ask him for special treatment outside the new priority management system? Dr. Uwe Matulovic, chief information officer (CIO) of Volkswagen of America (VWoA), placed the telephone in its cradle and leaned back in his chair, replaying the Just- completed conversation with one of his peers from the Executive Leadership Team (ELT). The call, Matulovic mused, had been similar to three others he had participated n that week, each with a different ELT member. The results of a new prioritization process†a list of IT projects that would be funded in 2004†had been unveiled only a few days earlier. But already a storm was gathering. The phone calls from other executives had common themes. All the callers had expressed concern that high priorities for their areas of the company had not been funded. We will write a custom essay sample on Manager specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Manager specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Manager specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Some had repeated views expressed during the prioritization process by people who worked for them about supposed categorization mistakes that penalized Copyright 2005, 2007 President and Fellows of Harvard College. Harvard Business School Case 606-003. Professor Robert D. Austin, Dr. Warren Ritchie, and Greggory Garrett prepared this case as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate effective or ineffective management. Certain details have been disguised. Reprinted by permission of Harvard Business School. their business units. And each of the calls had concluded with an informal request to insert an unfunded project (or two) into the IT departments work plans. We dont have to reopen the process, the most recent caller had said, but perhaps spare capacity might be applied to make some progress on this project in 2004†weve one this before, and it would mean a lot to our area and to the companys growth plans. The 10 business units that made up MOA had proposed more than 40 projects, with funding requirements totaling $210 million (US). A budget of only $60 million (an amount capped by Volkswagen Group (VWAG), the parent company of MOA) made some degree of disappointment inevitable. But the intensity of pushback against the new process was surprising. The ELT had endorsed the idea of improving upon the old way these decisions were made, via unstructured debate explicit and link projects and the core business processes they impacted with MOA corporate goals. An orderly, rational process would replace what, in the past, had sometimes been haphazard. But now, questions were being raised about whether the new process was right for MOA. 50 Module Three IT Leadership EXHIBIT 1 The Himalayas Chart Some business units had seen none of their projects funded. Whispers throughout the company suggested that the process was too theoretical and noted that IT infrastructure projects had been treated separately, not forced through the same process, which many considered unfair. As Matulovic peered through the window into an overcas t sky, he wondered whether he should order exceptions to the rocess. If a project was small and Just below the line of funded projects, maybe IT should figure out a way to get it done. Or maybe he should stand his ground and defend the new process. Matulovic did not work for the other members of the ELT, but he did have to work with them. Whatever he decided could certainly affect working relationships, so he would need to consider his options carefully. Backgrowid †Volkswagen of America Ferdinand Porsche designed the first Volkswagen automobiles during the 1930s in Germany. The original vehicles, targeted at the mass market (Volkswagen means, iterally, peoples car), were intended to transport a family of five at highway speeds, use modest amounts of fuel, and remain within financial reach of most people. The companys signature platform by the late 1940s was the Beetle, which, with its rounded styling and reliable air-cooled engine, became internationally popular. For about 20 years, sales of the Beetle hurtled skyward, propelling the companys total worldwide vehicle sales past a million in 1955 and toa high point in 1969. Although popularity of the Beetle declined throughout the 1970s and its importation was discontinued in the United States, late in that decade, production of Beetles in Latin America continued into the 1990s. It remains the best-selling car of all time. After peaking in the late 1960s, the pattern of sales for the North American subsidiary of Volkswagen settled into a trying cycle of ups and downs that became known, due to its Jagged contours, as the Himalayas Chart (see Exhibit 1). Other marketing nameplates have sold more units, but these nameplates were not the same vehicle in different geographies, nor did they retain as much consistency in core design as the classic Beetle.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Aquaculture Business Essays
Aquaculture Business Essays Aquaculture Business Essay Aquaculture Business Essay The main problem in the Organization aspect was having too many personnel which cause overlapping in functions. If these problems still continues, the time will come where the project will not be able to meet its target income, production and market demand. The cited problems were really major ones. Without water supply system, the project will not be able to continue because It Is about fishes where the most and basic need of the fish Is water. Although there Is water, If It was full of Impurities due to delay In drainage of water, the project will still fall. First of all, the health and needs of the fishes should be well-addressed to have a bountiful harvest in the future. The health of the fishes also signifies increase in the sales because consumers want products that are fresh, big and at the same time cheap. If they see that the fishes were relatively small, dry and ugly, the sales will surely go down even though it is cheap, The alternative formulation of the study is the improvement of the water supply yester and prevarication through Joint venture. However, these two should be both achieved to ensure the success of the project. If one of these two were not achieved, for example, there was no private sector willing to have a Joint venture on the project, the financial problems will still be present and Improvement of water supply system will not be done. The mall purpose of the Joint venture Is to have a permanent source of money for the different activities to still exist. Meanwhile, if the problems in the water supply still exist, the target demand, production and income of the LAD ill not be met. The delay in the drainage of the water in the pond as well as the impurities accumulated by the water causes low performance of the fishes and even their growth were affected. So, to meet the objectives and goals of the case study, the INTACT and LAD must work hard to make their alternative formulations come true. The recommendation of the author is good but there still remain the question whether a private sector will be willing to have a Joint venture to a project that still has no brand unlike other businesses. We all know that private sectors are profit- oriented people and as long as they do not see the profit that they want, even If the project has the potential to succeed In the future, they will not agree to a Joint venture. The recommendation of the alternately use of the six pumps will be truly helpful. In this way, if one gets broken during the process, there will be a spare one to De used. Water supply Is really very Important In ten success AT ten project. I nee alternately use of the pumps also decrease the larger problems in financial especially f all of them gets broken down at the same time. The maintenance of each pump will also be done regularly. In an aquaculture project, the main important things to consider are the water supply system, feed production and water drainage system. Fishes are living organisms that also need clean and healthy environment to function well. So, before starting a business like aquaculture, make sure that the proper requirements will be met and always be ready for problems to arise, especially in financial problems.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Determining If a Number Is Prime
Determining If a Number Is Prime A prime number is a numeral that is greater than 1 and cannot be divided evenly by any other number except 1 and itself. If a number can be divided evenly by any other number not counting itself and 1, it is not prime and is referred to as a composite number. Factors vs. Multiples When working with prime numbers, students should know the difference between factors and multiples. These two terms are easily confused, but factors are numbers that can be divided evenly into the given number, while multiples are the results of multiplying that number by another. Additionally, prime numbers are whole numbers that must be greater than one, and as a result, zero and one are not considered prime numbers, nor is any number less than zero; the number two is the first prime number, as it can only be divided by itself and the number 1. Using Factorization Using a process called factorization, mathematicians can quickly determine whether a number is prime. To use factorization, you need to know that a factor is any number that can be multiplied by another number to get the same result. For instance, the prime factors of the number 10 are 2 and 5 because these whole numbers can be multiplied by one another to equal 10. However, 1 and 10 are also considered factors of 10 because they can be multiplied by one another to equal 10. This is expressed in the prime factors of 10 as 5 and 2 since both 1 and 10 are not prime numbers. An easy way for students to use factorization to determine if a number is prime is by giving them concrete counting items like beans, buttons, or coins. They can use these to divide objects into ever-smaller groups. For example, they could divide 10 marbles into two groups of five or five groups of two. Using a Calculator After using the concrete method as described in the previous section, students can use calculators and the concept of divisibility to determine whether a number is prime. Have students take a calculator and key in the number to determine whether it is prime. The number should divide into a whole number. For example, take the number 57. Have students divide the number by 2. They will see that the quotient is 27.5, which is not an even number. Now have them divide 57 by 3. They will see that this quotient is a whole number: 19. So, 19 and 3 are factors of 57, which is, then, not a prime number. Other Methods Another way to find if a number is prime is by using a factorization tree, where students determine the common factors of multiple numbers. For instance, if a student is factoring the number 30, she could begin with 10 x 3 or 15 x 2. In each case, she continues to factor- 10 (2 x 5) and 15 (3 x 5). The end result will yield the same prime factors: 2, 3 and 5 because 5 x 3 x 2 30, as does 2 x 3 x 5. Simple division with pencil and paper can also be a good method for teaching young learners how to determine prime numbers. First, divide the number by two, then by three, four, and five if none of those factors yields a whole number. This method is useful to help someone just starting out to understand what makes a number prime.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Week 1 discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Week 1 discussion - Assignment Example One of the modern day’s innovations is a laptop. It is a portable computer, which has the capability of storing power for usage. It satisfies the innovative characteristic of novelty to the market arena (Shehabuddeen, 2007). Kocarey (2012) depicts that laptops are new products of the twentieth century, and constantly, new features are introduced in their design, an example is a webcam device (p.26). It is an example of a continuous evolutionary innovation. Bicycles are other examples of innovative products. Bicycle is a movable device, with two wheels, joined together by a straight metallic object, and navigated by use of a steering. There are many designs of bicycle products, and examples include mountain bikes, and utility bicycles. It is an example of a continuous evolutionary innovation. Its pace of innovation is high due to market competitions, and emerging needs. Photocopiers are an example of a revolutionary innovation. This is a machine that uses xerography or inkjet technology to produce copies of images (Deller et al, 2003). This kind of innovation satisfies the concept of market strategy as a characteristic of an innovation. This innovation amounts to risk taking since it introduces new technology into the market. Television set is an example of a continuous evolutionary innovation. A television set is electronic equipment that has devices such as a turner, speaker and a screen, for purposes of displaying a picture and a message (Deller et al, 2003). Over time, television sets have evolved from analogue to digital systems. One of the characteristics it displays is the intensity of the idea in place. The idea in place is a game changer, since digital productions are complex in nature, ensuring the production of high quality images. Mobile handsets are other examples of an innovation. This is an example of a continuous evolutionary innovation, and they emanate
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Teaching music to Children in a General Education Classroom Essay
Teaching music to Children in a General Education Classroom - Essay Example According to Joanne, (2), the cognitive developmental theory is fundamental in understanding how minds make logic of music as it is heard. Some of the goals include imparting formal and intuitive knowledge. Joanne, (2), argues that, a teacher is supposed to learn significantly during the music experiments. The cognitive theory is fundamental in helping the teacher to succeed in balancing the mismatch of assumptions between a student and a teacher. Similarly, the cognitive theory enables a teacher to acknowledge the children’s formal and informal ways of understanding. Another goal that a teacher can achieve by applying the cognitive theory is the ability to use the children’s descriptions as vital evidence in understanding their musical development (Joanne, 4). Equally, the theory enables teachers to draw conclusions from the children’s oral drawings, imagery and spatial ordering of such things like bells to disclose the clandestine and interior nature of inner i nquiry and approximating an indisputable knowledge of musical development.... I agree with his theory Jon Dewey believed that, children be encouraged to develop free personalities and taught on how to think and make judgments. I agree with this theory Maria, Montessori believed in individualized education. I agree with this theory John Holt, the pioneer and advocate for Home Education. Holt believed that children study best when; they are allowed to pursue their own interests rather than imposing learning on them. I agree with this theory. Marie Clay, the pioneer of Balanced Literacy Model and Reading Recovery. Marie believed the reading recovery component served well in lifting the low achievers. I agree with this theory. Jerome Bruner, the pioneer of discovery theory. Bruner discovered psychology and embraced a constructivist approach. Bruner believed that the discovery theory based on the assumption that a child learns and remembers better, what he/she discovers. Conversely, Bruner believed that, the children are able to recall new information if they assoc iate it to something they already understand. I agree with his theory. Howard Gardener, the pioneer of multiple intelligence theory. Gardener believed that children developed diverse aspects of intelligence. I agree with this theory (Joanne, 6). John Holt’s theory of advocating for Home Education best fits my interests and a fully align to it. Choose two instruments on pages 16-19 that you would like to share with your children. Name the instruments. Describe the instruments. Describe how the instruments are played? How will you use the instruments with your children? 1. Jingle Bells A bell is a musical instrument that produces different sounds when played. A bell is played by using a stick or a small metal rod or shaking. The instrument can be used to teach the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
French Revolution Essay Example for Free
French Revolution Essay Although an autocrat, Napoleon is revered by many as the son of the French Revolution as he single-handedly implemented the ideas of â€Å"Liberty, Equality and Fraternity†. Napoleon implemented the ideologies of French Revolution which were derived from the Enlightenment by introducing the Napoleonic Code, lycee and baculerrate education, constitutions and meritocracy. These reforms could have only been implemented by a strong ruler with the power of the modern state tailored to suit his motives of maintaining his power. During the start of the French Revolution the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen was not really put into complete practice. During the reign of terror, the nation grew weary of terror and turmoil and therefore welcomed Napoleon’s rule. Ten years of upheaval had the firm rule much more appealing. Napoleon seized power and was welcomed by the nation even though he was an autocrat as he brought the end to the terror and started executing various enlightened ideals. During the first few months of Napoleon’s rule were most productive. After seizing power in coup d’à ©tat in 1799 and forming a consulate he passed new constitutions and with popular approval in 1804 became an emperor with absolute power. Napoleon like most autocrats had certain motives for implementing the radical reforms of the French Revolution. It allowed his to maintain his position as an autocrat by giving reforms so people would be happy and continue supporting him. By using meritocracy he rewarded only those that earned his loyalty and by improving society earned the support of people. He used his popularity and charisma to maintain order which was crucial for Napoleon in order to survive being an autocrat. Napoleon used his powerful position as the ruler of France to bring reforms as it was an instrument to maintaining his power. He brought about freedom of religion by the Concordat of Bologna in 1801 which allowed state to control religious affairs and allowed Catholics to practice their religion freely. He bargained with the middle classes and made the famous Napoleonic code which simplified the French laws which used to favour the nobles. He made enlightened laws like freedom of speech, equality before law, protection of property etc. He lowered the feudal taxes on the peasants and granted them liberty. He created meritocracy and education by introducing the baculerrate and lycee and favouring only those that worked harder than being born into a noble family this created more equality. Napoleon executed the ideals of French Revolution not only in France but spread them to countries that he defeated or made allies with. He did this by ended feudalism and manorialism and reformed the political and economic systems by introducing constitutions. He also simplified the complex structure of Germany and Italy and this brought about the rise of nationalism which was the idea of fraternity of the French Revolution. Napoleon is widely accredited to spreading the ideals of the French Revolution to all of Europe.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Evolutionism :: Science, Theories, Darwinism
What is Evolution? Evolution is the theory that all living things in the world have come into being through a non-guided, natural process starting from a primeval mass of subatomic particles and radiation, over 20 billion years ago (History). This theory says that all living things have increased intelligence or have changed in other ways over many, many years.      The theory of evolution hasn’t been around for ever. Before the 20th century, people wanted to understand the world around them, but many of them believed that God created everything. A small number of scientists believed that living things had evolved from each other and there was no God. The theory was sort of a dream or manifestation without any original grounds for belief. Over time more and more people looked into evolutionism and they developed possibilities of how it occurred. Many theories were developed, but someone always disproved them. Recently with the discovery of genetic mutation and a new understanding of genes and DNA, the evidence supporting evolution has greatly increased.      Charles Darwin was one scientist who helped to increase the evidence supporting evolution. Darwin developed the idea of â€Å"natural selection†where living things that reproduced in large numbers and survived became dominant and other living things adapted to survive, or they died. Francis Crick, a scientist, co-discovered DNA which opened new doors to the idea of evolutionism (History). DNA is the pattern by which people are created as individuals. Now Evolutionism is the only origin of life that can be taught in public schools. However, in private
Monday, November 11, 2019
Ernest Hemingway’s the Old Man and the Sea
The Old Man and the Sea includes many symbols and metaphors within the story line. Hemingway uses the technique of comparing two items as symbolism in his story to make this story personally unique and to share his point of view of many different worldly topics. Some of the metaphors Hemingway uses as symbols to relate the story to real life are the similarities between the marlin and life, life and the sea, and the poor and the rich. Ernest Hemingway wrote about the marlin as if it was a human living in reality. This metaphor also includes a Christian aspect to it where Santiago (the old man) is God and the marlin is everyone on earth. Where Santiago found the marlin was in somewhat shallow water where it was closer to Santiago (the creator). The marlin was tempted with the hook like Adam and Eve were tempted with the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and eventually gave in and took the bait (Adam and Eve partaking of the fruit). Once the marlin realized it was hooked it started heading for deeper water to hide just as Adam and Eve hid from God. As the fish got deeper it naturally got darker, resembling man running away from God trying to make their sin unnoticeable. Along with swimming to deeper water, the marlin had to pull the boat behind him as a burden that he had to carry because he was trying to escape from his mistake. The old man wondering what the fish was doing said â€Å"If you're not tired, fish, you must be very strange. †(The Old Man and the Sea, page 67, paragraph 4) just as God would wonder about man running and running from Him and never seeing the truth that is right in front of him. A good amount of time goes by and they're in deep waters where sharks attack the fish and do a little damage to the boat. The attack on the fish is like man going through the tribulation but evil doesn't just do damage to man but to God too because He cares about us and doesn't like to see us suffering. At the end right after the old man sees the lights from the city on the horizon the sharks attack the fish again. The old man fought the sharks and finally got them to leave but with nothing but the carcass of the fish. In the same way, God will fight for us and scare the enemy off so that He may have us (those who accepted Him) like the old man had the memory of what the fish was like. In the night sharks hit the carcass as someone might pick up crumbs from the table. The old man paid no attention to them†¦ †(The Old Man and the Sea, page 67, paragraph 3) because it is only the flesh that remained. Another object in the story that shared similarities to life was the sea. The old man had been fishing for most of his life so he was well acquainted with the sea. Yet still that one time that he went out and he got a glimpse at what he desired he went after it and in this case cost him almost everything. While pursuing his desire the sea shook him, beat him, and gave him some unexpected turns. Some examples of those where when the fish dragged him out to sea further and further, when he had to fish for food because he ran out, when the fish kept going after the old man though it would be out of energy, when the sharks attacked, or after all the time he spent out at sea trying to catch the fish, he had nothing but the carcass to show for it. It is the same with life. Humans get into their routines but 100% of those humans get something thrown at them that they didn't see coming. Like a car crash resulting in death, heart attack, or maybe it is family members that just got the news that a loved one committed suicide. The biggest similarity between life and the sea is that in the beginning of the story the old man would take the boy out with him to teach him techniques of how to fish while in life the person you look up to, most likely the father figure, can tell you what to do incase something happens or if something happens again but the pupil will learn from the father the most when they are in real time situations and the pupil gets to see how the father handles the situation. Based on what the pupil sees is where he or she will ultimately learn from that father figure. So while the boy's parents where at home telling him not to go fishing with the old man because he is bad luck, the old man takes the boy out into the world and actually shows him how most everything is done rather than just telling him. The poor and the rich town people in the story also share similarities. Since it was a small town by the sea most if not everybody fished. The rich would fish as a way to relax while their business inland was being run by one of the citizens in a lower money bracket. While the poor were fishing to stay alive. It was their means of survival. Both the rich and the poor came in after fishing for the day and either turned in their fish for money or took it home to be eaten. Even though both classes of society were quite the opposite they almost did the exact same things because the town was so small and there was hardly anything to do. There are many different objects and characters that Hemingway wrote in The Old Man and the Sea that share similarities among symbols and some of them are how the marlin represented life, the sea also represented life, and how the rich and the poor were similar beyond society saying they are opposites. Hemingway used many symbols within his story and because no one has the same point of view, the reader is left to interpret those symbols on how they see it. All the symbolism in the book makes it a great book for all ages. For the kids it is a nice easy read but for the older generations there can be a lot of information found on the author, life, and many other topics.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Movie “The Patriot†with Mel Gibson
In this movie, Benjamin Martin, played by Mel Gibson, was a retired British officer and a widower raising seven of his children in his farm. He held his principles steadfastly, which focused almost on his family and his interest in making rocking chairs which he never perfected. Thus, he did not want to join the war against the British. On the other hand, Gabriel, the eldest, was full of idealism and joined the American forces fighting the British in the Revolutionary War. Benjamin, who knew from first‑hand experience the horrifying carnage that war would present, discouraged his son from participating but Gabriel was determined to fight. Times passed, many towns fell to the British including their hometown.Gabriel returned home after two years, stumbling wounded into the family home. That night, a battle between the British and patriots happened. They helped the wounded from both sides. The Green Dragoons arrived and killed all the wounded Colonial soldiers. T he leader, Col. William Tavington, shot his son, Thomas, who was trying to free his brother Gabriel which was being captured.This brought an enraged Benjamin to free his son Gabriel, with the help of his two younger sons.  He left the rest of the children in the care of their aunt Charlotte, the sister of his deceased wife. The three of them killed the British troops holding Gabriel by ambushing them. While their brother was freed, his sons saw their father brutally killing men. He was called The Ghost by the British army because of his techniques and skills in ambushing. However, the Green Dragoons were still determined to go after Benjamin’s loved-ones that it led them to burn the house of his sister-in law, but eventually they escaped with the help of Benjamin.He was then driven to lead the Colonial Militia, planning for strategies and getting involved in the actual fight to win over the seemingly formidable British Army. One of these strategies was to capture a supply line of General Cornwallis, ransacking all the food and comforts, including two Great Dane dogs of the general. He even tamed the dogs by taking care of them, making these dogs shift loyalties. This made Cornwallis angry. Cornwallis made a plan to trap the men of The Ghost and eventually succeeded. The British captured 18 of his men.Benjamin then concocted a plan of deceiving General Cornwallis, making him believe that he also captured 18 officers, including a colonel who called him a cheeky fellow. He freed his men successfully with this strategy. In war, deception is one of the strategies to win over the enemies and this was shown in this part of the movie.While at war under his father’s command, Gabriel married a lady from a town. However, someone led the Green Dragoons to the town where Gabriel’s wife lived and they eventually killed all the townsmen by burning them inside a church.This brought Gabriel to avenge the death of his wife , but he was also killed in the process and his father was greatly saddened of this and swore to kill the leader of the Green Dragoons.When an all-out battle commenced against the Redcoats, the strategy was to put the Colonial Militia under the command of Benjamin in front to show the high morale of the army to the enemy, but actually the main army of Colonial Militia was in the rear.So, when the Colonial Militia was called to retreat, the Redcoats were surprised by the main army of the Colonials and thus were defeated. Eventually, Benjamin was given the opportunity to kill his nemesis, Tavington, who killed his two sons, hurting himself in the process. In the end, Cornwallis and the British army were pushed to their last base. Cornwallis was forced to surrender because the French army arrived, putting him into the shame of defeat.Benjamin never perfected the art of making rocking chairs but this showed his dogged determination to finish a task no matter how many tim es he failed. That same intensity of avenging the death of his loved-ones was shown in the battlefield, making him a hero, a real patriot.Producers, Dean Devlin, Mark Gordon and Gary Levinsohn;  Director, Roland Emmerich.   The Patriot. Released in 2000 by Columbia Pictures,  164 mins., Technicolor 35mm widescreen 1.85:1, digital 5.1 sound, DVD released Oct. 24, 2000.Google, James Hitchcock from Tunbridge Wells, EnglandGoogle, Meghan aka KRAMMIT THE FROG
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Iraqi Antiquities essays
Iraqi Antiquities essays The well presented speech by Elizabeth Stone, titled The Cradle Will Fall: The State of Iraqs Cultural Heritage concentrated mainly on the topic of Antiquities. Through Iraqs long history concerning, Mesopotamia, Babylon, Samarra, its temples and shrines and elaborate palaces, many antiquities were found, preserved, and were treasured in Iraqs museums. While there are many laws prohibiting the trading of antiquities, it still occurs, mainly in The United States. For example, a statue of Hercules; The United States owns the top half, while Iraq has the other half. Obviously we purchased or took this item illegally but we claim there is no proof that the two halves were once whole. The main law of cultural heritage in times of war is the Hague Convention. This requires a country to protect its antiquities when they have knowledge they will be attacked, also occupying powers must protect the cultural heritage of the occupied land. Before being bombed by SCUD missiles from Iran, Iraq had the best antiquities department in the Middle East, soon after Iraq was forced to close its museums and galleries. Then the Gulf War came and Iraq was once again forced to pack up their antiquities, they were moved to regional museums and the most prized valuables were stored in vaults. The aftermath of this war led to looting of local museums; over two-thousand objects were stolen. Sanctions included the leaving of staff, and many valuables stayed in storage. By the 2003 war it was almost as if it was routine for Iraq. Looting led to the disappearance of 10,000 to 13,000 objects, many libraries and offices were destroyed, and the bank, which house the most prized valuables was bombed. Reconstruction is taking place now, furniture and electronics are being donated and stolen objects started showing up from guilty feeling looters. Italians bought many antiquities off the market and gave them back to Iraq. ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
5 Projects To Visit Before Doing Anything In Dubai
5 Projects To Visit Before Doing Anything In Dubai As Dubai is getting geared up for hosting the new developments for coming years, the whole economic horizon has got a fast move. Major visitor and recreational points of interest across the city are usually taking a leap, with projects effectively worth gigantic amounts of money already on their way. If you are interested to see the Dubai future projects, then do not forget to visit these places below. 1. Al Habtoor City This city offers 3 well-appointed inns Regis, a leading W Lodge, presenting more than 2,600 sophisticated suites. This town specifically offers 3 stylish noncommercial podiums, a 2,300-seat perpetual water-based cinema by Franco Dragone known as La Perle, and several stores and recreational amenities, such as shops, well-known dining places and state-of-the-art restaurants, a blvd, a marina balcony, a golf academy and divine landscapes. The exceptional advancement also offers 3 luxurious noncommercial properties, Noura, Amna Meera, in a couple of 74-storey podiums and another 52-storey tower, including elegant condominiums, together with 14 penthouses, 3 of which are generally Very important personnel penthouses. Their attics have expansive living areas, roomy cooking areas, and several balconies having hypnotic vistas. A few penthouses cover a space of 900sq m of the magnificent standard of living with big glass windows. The towers’ 7 penthouses have 862 sqm, with the L-shaped living area, providing occupants clear sights of the exclusive swimming pool, spa bath and landscaped backyard. Extend across 4 floors; the 3 Very important personnel penthouses possess magnificent spaces, several garden balconies, open-air spa bath, a workout room, saunas and steam area the best high-end experience. 2. Al Seef Expanding 1.8km over the Creek and in the vicnicity to National Historical Area, Al Seef is built to keep Emirati lifestyle at its root. Experience the country’s traditions, take a trip through their history and submerge in the customs through programs and ethnic gatherings at the open-air amphitheater as well as open-air memorial, museums, and galleries, Emirati handmade items selling shops and conventional souks, plus floating trading markets. Site visitors can see glimpses associated with Emirati tradition, for example, pearl scuba diving, angling, vessel building and have the means to access abras as well as dhows. The waterside viewpoint may also have eateries and dining places exactly where site visitors can eat, unwind and then inhale the timeless ambiance, precisely where dhows drift their way on the superbly serene stream. This project will be the place to find 3 lodgings a 200-key history, a 150-key modern elegant and a 250-room cutting-edge extravagance resort. 3. Bvlgari Resort Hotel and Marina Village Specifically situated on Jumeirah Bay Isle, a seahorse-shaped tropical isle off the coastline of Jumeirah Seashore, Bvlgari Vacation resort is actually designed by renowned developers of the city and is the world’s 5th Bvlgari Resorts Hotels property. Scheduled to be functional this coming year, its made by an Italian company. The particular 1.8-million-sq-ft multifaceted building will encompass 101 suites and rooms, twenty noncommercial private villas coupled with a marina surrounded by landscapes and followed by a full array of deluxe features. The occupants can have spectacular sights of the Arabian Beach and a pristine sand seashore cove. 4. Dubai Frame Standing upright at 150m height and 93m in width in Za’abeel Recreation area, Dubai Frame is going to be on the list of the city’s one of a kind and unforgettable attractions upon its finalization by the end of this year. Providing strength to its legendary status, it will eventually gleam against the azure skies with its a couple of glowing towers and a linking bridge. The frame signifies the new, the old and the potential of Dubai. Site visitors will turn to Dubai’s history at the mezzanine standard, the location where the city’s background and development will be explained through a brand new and refreshed means of demonstration. The site visitors will certainly enjoy the sky patio point that has a 360-degree sight of Ancient Dubai to the northern part and Brand-new Dubai towards the south. Theyll experience fun packages to complement the revolutionary Dubai adventure. The ultimate experience is a digital urban center of the city, walking visitors through the present to five decades into the foreseeable future in the spectacular metropolis. 5. Bluewaters Island A Meraas venture, Bluewaters is without a doubt a cutting-edge family-friendly tropical isle spot proudly located off the coastline of Jumeirah. Its a human-made compounded tropical isle which is the place to find a privileged choice of high-class condominiums, penthouses, and townhomes. Within this tropical isle, you will not have issues finding the world’s biggest wheel named Ain Dubai, which is 210m in height. Established to be on the list of world’s biggest travel and leisure hang-outs housing a couple of high-end resorts, Bluewaters Island will be a shopper’s heaven, having a wide array of retail and cuisine aspects. JBR’s The Shore is also a couple of minutes of easygoing walk away. This plan would be to construct ten non-commercial towers, providing 3-bedroom condominiums. This tropical isle is going to be linked to the landmass by way of a direct road from Shaikh Zayed Highway. A monorail model will certainly run and carry tourists on a driverless vehicle platform to Dubai Metro’s Nakheel Harbor and Towers platform. A walking bridge will link up this tropical isle to the JBR beach, providing its occupants and site visitors a couple of minutes of a good old stress-free stroll.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
USA World Bank Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
USA World Bank - Case Study Example USA World Bank has been a very successful firm, both for consumers and small businesses domestically and internationally. Like all companies, it needs to come up with new and exciting products for its customers so that they remain committed to the company. The Board of Directors wants the company to launch just one product each year. This one product can focus on the consumer side or the small business owner side. However this can result in conflicting ideas internally and as well as with conflicting customers. It is the decision of the president and vice president to come up with the new product and launch it in the current time frame.Each year Managers at USA World Bank are required to launch a new product for their bank. This has become the tradition that the president and vice president of New Product Development brainstorm and then create an idea for the product and then present it to the Board of Directors for approval. In recent years the all the new products launched have bee n marginally successful therefore there is increased pressure on the president and vice president this year to deliver the goods. Without concurrent launching of new products, USA World Bank feels that it would lose its market share and its huge customer base to other new and agile banks. [3]Like any company UWB, wants to maximize its profitability while satisfying its customer needs. It takes into consideration the customer requirements and prioritizes the needs to identify which customers its product will be targeted towards. The Company faces a dilemma in this scenario whether to launch a Consumer Product or a Small business Owner product. Catering to one or the other will create a bad reputation from the other side. The second stakeholders are the general consumers. They have the right to purchase the product from UWB and to be or not to be a part of the company. They want to maximize the utility they get on purchasing the products from the company. Their interests clash with the interest of the Small Business Owner Card holders and they are given higher priority. The third stakeholders are Small Business Owners for whom a different kind of card is being sought to be produced. They have the right to purchase the product from UWB and to be or not to be a part of the company. They want to maximize the utility they get on purchasing the products from the company. Their interests clash with the interest of the general consumers because they are given lesser priority. [1] Problem Statement USA World Bank will cater to all customers to increase market share and market value by building close customer relationships. End-State Vision USA World Bank will add value to its customer base by offering affordable products and incentives to increase its market share. Alternative Solutions Alternative solutions are generated from the problem at hand. Mary Monroe wants to go ahead with the Consumer product while Jim and executives emphasize for the Small Business Owner product. Brian is confused whether to go for both products or simply do more research to find out which one is more feasible. Here is the list of alternate solutions Launch General Consumer Product Launch Small Business Owner Product Launch Both Products These alternatives are included in the secondary alternatives as the company wants to launch the product this year without any delays. Delay launching product until further research studies are not completed Don't launch any product this year Analysis of Alternative Solutions There are 4 different goals that have been identified for USA World Bank from this scenario. The cost is not considered that important like Brian Allen said therefore it is assigned a rating of 2. A
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