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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Alzheimers Disease Essays - Cognitive Disorders, Health, Psychiatry
Alzheimer's Disease Essays - Cognitive Disorders, Health, Psychiatry Alzheimer's Disease Dementia is the loss of scholarly and social capacities sufficiently serious to meddle with every day working. For quite a long time, individuals called it infirmity and thought of it as an unavoidable piece of maturing. It is currently realized that dementia is anything but a typical piece of the maturing procedure and that it is brought about by a basic condition. Individuals with this condition need unique help to continue with their typical lives. This paper will clarify a portion of the social administrations that are assisting with combatting this infection and an investigation of the administrations viability. In excess of 4,000,000 more seasoned Americans have Alzheimer's, the most widely recognized type of dementia. Also, that number is required to significantly increase in the following 20 years as more individuals live into their 80s and 90s. In any case, there's explanation behind expectation. There are up 'til now no fixes, however specialists examining Alzheimer's have gained ground, particularly over the most recent 5 years. New medications that can briefly improve mental capacities in certain individuals with gentle Alzheimer's are presently accessible, and more medications are being contemplated. Specialists additionally have found a few qualities related with Alzheimer's. Besides, researchers are characterizing subgroups of dementias and their distinctive qualities with expectations of refining medicines. In spite of the fact that Alzheimer's illness is the most widely recognized of the dementias, there are numerous sorts, even hundreds, of dementias some reversible, and others, similar to Alzheimer's sickness irreversible. What is Dementia? Dementia is the loss of scholarly and social capacities sufficiently extreme to meddle with day by day working. For quite a long time, individuals called it infirmity and thought of it as an unavoidable piece of maturing. It is presently realized that dementia is certifiably not an ordinary piece of the maturing procedure and that it is brought about by some hidden condition. Indications of dementia fluctuate, according to the pattern in which of appearance and with the kind of dementia. In any case, all dementias include some hindrance of memory, thinking, thinking and language. Character changes and anomalous conduct may likewise happen as dementia advances. Of the sicknesses that produce dementia, Alzheimer's is the most widely recognized. The illness was named after Alois Alzheimer, a German doctor. In 1906, Dr. Alzheimer saw changes in the cerebrum tissue of a lady who had kicked the bucket of an irregular psychological instability. He discovered unusual clusters (plaques) and tangled packs of strands (tangles). Different changes in the cerebrums of individuals with Alzheimer's ailment remember lost nerve cells for the regions of the mind essential to memory and other mental capacities, and brought down degrees of synthetic substances in the cerebrum that convey complex messages to and fro between billions of nerve cells imperative to deduction and memory. The principal indication of Alzheimer's malady might be mellow absent mindedness. The sickness advances to influence language, thinking, getting, perusing or composing. In the long run, individuals with Alzheimer's infection may get on edge or forceful, and may even meander from home. The issue of Alzheimers ailment is viewed as a developing issue in the United States. As our populace gets more established our requirement for old administrations increments significantly. This implies social insurance costs are on the ascent and we need more consideration offices for our maturing older. As we as a whole know in this political decision year doctor prescribed medication costs are a hotly debated issue. Solutions for the old are getting so costly that they can't bear the cost of them any longer, along these lines depending on some other source to help purchase the remedies. The cost isn't just money related, however demonstrates to cause passionate strife for the families managing a maturing relative. A portion of the objectives and estimations of society that are influenced by this issue are: the increasing expenses of human services, professionally prescribed medication costs, and the cost for the individual and their family. This presents an issue for the individuals who can't bear the cost of it and along these lines depend on society for help. It is likewise difficult for a family to place a friend or family member in an establishment. Alzheimers sickness is non-unfair. It can influence any race or nationality. It doesn't make a difference in the event that you are rich or poor, male or female. It can transpire, there are some more youthful instances of the sickness however it stays generally regular in the old populace. Alzheimer's sickness influences mind tissue straightforwardly, causing dynamic cerebrum decay in center or late life. Up until now, just age and heredity are demonstrated hazard
Saturday, August 22, 2020
John Browns Raid On The Federal Armory At Harpers Ferry, Virginia, In
John Brown's attack on the government arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, In October 1859, included just a bunch of abolitionists, liberated no slaves, and was over in two days. Albeit numerous Northerners denounced the assault, by 1863 John Brown had become a saint and a saint in the North. The perspectives about John Brown communicated in the records outline the stressed connection between the North and South before the common war(1859-1860) and the harshly disabled relationship after the common war. In 1859 preceding the Civil war the Northern-Southern relationship was stressed with such laws as the Kansas-Nebraska act, 'legitimizing' bondage through famous soveirgnty in the domains, and the Dredd Scott choice essentially sanctioning servitude in any territory(without famous sway). Not long after John Brown's well known attack, Northerners censured him(Doc. A) for battling an 'incredible evil'(Slavery) in an 'unfit way'(through battling), They said this in light of the fact that it was illegal to battle without experiencing the legislature and there are different approaches to dispose of servitude. This fundamentally was a final desperate attempt to spare the south from prevailing from the association and to hold the string that was holding the relations of the North and South together. By 1860, the feared appointment of 1860 was here and the Civil war would before long beginning due to the 'Railsplitter' Lincoln winning the political race. Perspectives on John Brown in the North were increasing more force as he turned out to be more popular(Doc. D). More Northerners started to feel it that John Brown had done it the correct way. The Democrats right now were utilizing strategies to use John Brown against the Republicans that were for it, this fizzled and indicated that most northerners were with John Brown all the way(Doc. E). He started to be increasingly similar to a saint in the north close to the finish of 1860(Doc. F). At the point when Lincoln was chosen the South right away succeeded and the Civil war started not long after. During the Civil War John Brown rose to Saint and Martyr status and a popular tune of the common war was promised to him(Doc. G). In Conclusion, the perspectives on John Brown between 1859-1863 unmistakably demonstrated how the North-South relationship was holding tight a string and was cut as John Brown turned out to be more celebrated between these periods and into the Civil War.
Thursday, July 30, 2020
If you could track minute-by-minute data on yourself, would you
If you could track minute-by-minute data on yourself, would you Study: Continuous Data Stream of MIT Student Reveals Something Department of Physical Education | Department of Biology Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 INTRODUCTION Recruitment of Volunteer Human Subject “Alright, that concludes the cool-down stretches, you guys can sit down.†As Coach Matthew cleared out the jump ropes, medicine balls, and floor ladders from exercise stations cycling around the room, MIT students collectively sighed and picked up their nutrition handbooks for the discussion portion of the course. I lowered myself onto the worn green plush of the yoga mats blanketing the cold floor. We were in the Du-Pont Multipurpose Room, which, like the Room Of Requirement, always provided the empty space and mirrors necessary for us to notice that our form could use improvement. That, and it was also impossible to ever find and to get into, being at the end of a winding series of inaccessible, one-directional, and mostly locked doors connecting the 5 buildings which make up our complex recreational facility. MIT requires 4 PE classes for graduation, which explained the large fraction of 8th semester seniors taking “Sports Nutrition and Fitness for Athletes†this particular rainy evening. “Now, before we talk about micronutrients, I want to see who is interested in demo-ing a Fitbit for the remaining duration of this course? We are giving the opportunity to wear them for two weeks to see if you like it.†Oh my gosh. freeFree personal data collection? (O??????? ? O??????? ?) I couldnt fathom what I wanted more in that moment than a continuous data stream documenting my existence. I need to interject here that this post is not about the issues of data privacy and other personal information concerns, but simply one person using their own data for their own delight. What follows is the compilation of a months worth of tracking data on my sleeping variance, physical activity, and optimized work habits. Interpretations and extrapolations to the general MIT student body are exercises left up to the reader and beyond the scope of this unfunded research. RESULTS Sleep and Movement Meet Requirements for Functioning For the month of March, I got an average of 7 hours of sleep per night, and even walked outside every day (Figure 1). March is notorious for pre-spring break exams/reports and post-spring break reports/exams, made possible by a brief cushioning period of beach-side relaxation or visit home in which one gratefully devours all available comfort foods and hibernates with their beloved childhood blanket. As an average value, 7 hours is not a startling result. However, a closer inspection points to a significant variance present in day-to-day sleep. Not only does sleep seem to oscillate between deprivation and recovery conditions, but additional examination of minute-by-minute data reveals that the days passing minimum requirements often do so through the addition of non-continuous segments (“napsâ€) instead of uninterrupted sleep (Data not shown). Figure 1: Month-long quantification of hours slept and steps taken in a 24-hour period. Dashed line and coloration represents the attainment self-imposed goals. Physical Activity Differs Between 3 Academic Weeks and 1 Vacation Week The number of steps taken in a day is a bare substitute for describing physical activity and fitness. For a more complete and nuanced picture of health, fitbits use a 3D accelerometer and heart-rate monitor to track additional variables. By comparing and contrasting trends between heartrate fluctuations and resting heart rate, flights of stairs climbed, distance travelled, calories burned, and minutes of activity daily, we can see a distinct pattern of activity during Week 3. I was home from March 19 to March 26, during which my heartrate notably decreased. This was not due to lack of activity, as that time was coupled to unprecedented levels of daily exercise. The graph for heartrate here is actually a plot of cululative minutes spent in various heart rate zones (yellow: fat burn, orange: cardio, red: peak). Figure 2: 28-day parallel data highlighting relationships among heartrate, calories burned, distance travelled, floors climbed uphill, and active minutes. Sedentary Computer Usage is Overwhelmingly Productive While this nascent data presents a new and exciting ground for analysis (I have a lot more unannotated data than I really should put into this post), I have already been keeping track of all of my computer activity since September 2013. The program I use is RescueTime, and it is available as a free extension and also for download. As a complement to my active data, here is a sweeping view of what I do when Im not sleeping, or walking, or in class, or exercising, or in the shower, or eating, or in lab, or on another electronic device (lab computer, phone, athena cluster), or at events, or reading, or studying from hard copies, or doing psets, or tutoring, or at meetings, or with my friends (Figure 3): Figure 3: Categorical overview of computer usage by day and compiled productivity measurements by hour for March, 2016. This month, I logged a total of 99 hours with an overall productivity percentage of 81% (based on my own criteria evolved over the years). Im not sure where my computer usage falls on the MIT spectrum, given that I am not a course 6 major, but I do know that this past month is a personal improvement from March two years ago, during which logged 151.5 hours total (52 more hours than this month!) but had a productivity percentage of 49%. Clicking around for more detail, I realized that I spent 17.2 hours just on playing 2048 that month. Now that is sensitive data. DISCUSSION I would like to conclude with an insightful discourse on how MIT has really made me grow more healthy physically, more competent mentally, and more focused emotionally. However, due to expected circumstances, I need to hurry along with some critical tasks these next 48 hours, leaving the reader to wrap things up him/herself. :) thanks and happy snow-cpw to all!
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Importance of the Settings in Novels - 1479 Words
â€Å"It’s pretty, isnt it, old sport?†(Fitzgerald 53), hollow words that describe an era precisely. The Great Gatsby is a wonderfully depressing novel about a man who literally made a name for himself and died in search of the American Dream. It was set in the Roaring Twenties, also known as the Jazz Age, a time about dynamic subcultures all around the world, and their grand art, social lives and music. This book is set by F. Scott Fitzgerald in the North East of the United States, New York, and Long Island known as West and East Egg. Setting is very crucial element in any novel. F. Scott Fitzgerald uses the setting of The Great Gatsby in a very graceful manner. In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald utilizes setting such as â€Å"The Valley of Ashes,††¦show more content†¦The East Egg represented the East Eggers or â€Å"the aristocrats†(Fitzgerald 8) with, â€Å"Old Money.†Whom were already established in wealth through family. The Physical s etting of the East Eggers homes is quote â€Å"not as fashionable†(Fitzgerald 7) and of possessing â€Å"wide lawns and friendly trees†(Fitzgerald 7). While the West Egg represented the West Eggers or the people with the â€Å"Young money†. Jay Gatsby is the perfect expression of the setting West Egg, rising above the classes all on his own and is filthy rich and boisterous. Fitzgerald uses this setting and the setting of West Egg to show a new generation of wealthy, a type of wealthy that feel obligated to live lavish lives in order to belong. This setting of the Eggs were also used to symbolize Gatsby’s not quite completion of the American Dream. See although he has the money to live in the East Egg, Fitzgerald still leaves him in West Egg. Suggesting that his dream still has not yet come to fruition, and because of this he is now separated from his love, by not only distance but in stature and class. This continues to feed his lust to advance towards the next class and complete â€Å"His dream†. Fitzgerald expresses this not only through the citizens of West Egg but with Gatsby’s Mansion itself. A large estate in which he lives alone and fills with meaningless objects. The place of parties with uninvited guest, Jay Gatsby’s mansion was also a significant setting asShow MoreRelatedThe Importance of the Setting in Wuthering Heights Essay1613 Words  | 7 PagesThe Importance of the Setting in Wuthering Heights There are numerous approaches to analyzing and understanding a novel, with the setting being one of utmost importance. It is one of the first aspects noted by readers because it can potentially increase their identification of specific motifs, and subsequently themes, through repetitively emphasizing the natural setting that penetrates conversations, incidences, thoughts, and behaviors. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Hplc Free Essays
Analysis and Separation of Organic Acids in White Wine Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography Atis, Arnelson Arwin G. and Gaitos, Gerald M. Institute of Chemistry, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City Performed: December 9, 2011 Submitted: December 15, 2011 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION solutions containing increasing amounts of the organic acid. We will write a custom essay sample on Hplc or any similar topic only for you Order Now These solutions were contained in flasks numbered 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. (Refer to the Appendix to see components of each flask). Tables 2, 3, 4, and 5 show the peak areas and the equation of the calibration curve obtained for each organic acid in the chromatograms obtained for flasks 5 to 9. Table 2. Peak Areas of Tartaric Acid in Flasks 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 Flask Retention Peak Area Concentration time (min) (g/L) 5 2. 863 491 364 0. 5 6 2. 905 918 187 1 7 3. 027 5 949 164 5 8 3. 044 8 363 261 8 9 3. 065 9 475 446 10 Calibration Curve Equation:  y = 984 371. 3561x + 216 064. 755 R2 = 0. 9912  Table 3. Peak Areas of Malic Acid in Flasks 5, 6, 7, and 8 Flask Retention Peak Area Concentration time (min) (g/L) 5 3. 02  159742 0. 5 6 3. 760 1 114 051 1 7 3. 756 4 892 727 5 8 3. 795 6 883 424 10 Calibration Curve Equation:  y = 688 260. 8175x + 475 029. 6892 R2 = 0. 9766  Table 4. Peak Areas of Lactic Acid in Flasks 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 Flask Retention Peak Area Concentration time (min) (g/L) 5 3. 533 575 620 0. 1 6 3. 598 1 248 888 1 7 3. 621 3 762 922 2. 5 The retention times of different organic acids commonly found in white wine were obtained using high performance liquid chromatography. The peak areas of the acids were then obtained through chromatograms and plotted against the concentrations of the standard solutions of the organic acids to construct a calibration curve. Finally, the calibration curves obtained were used to determine the concentration of the organic acids in samples of white wine. Standard solutions of various organic acids commonly found in white wine (tartaric, malic, lactic, citric) were assigned to be contained in flasks 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively, and were run through the chromatograph. The mobile phase used for the analytes was H3PO4 at pH 3, to prevent dissociation of the organic acids. The resulting chromatograms of each standard were then analyzed to obtain the retention times of the organic acids. Table 1 shows the experimental retention times of the different organic acids. Table 1. Experimental Retention Times of Organic Acids Organic Acid Retention Time (min) Tartaric  3. 088 Malic 3. 812 Lactic 3. 620 Citric 3. 68  Since there were no clear peaks from the chromatograms obtained for the tartaric, malic, and lactic acid samples, the retention time at which the peak height is greatest was obtained as the experimental retention time of the organic acids. The experimental retention times were then used to identify the peak areas corresponding to each organic acid analyzed in the resulting chromatograms of 8 3. 597 5 048 614 3 9 3. 619 6 519 896 5 Calibration Curve Equation:  y = 1 300 341. 246x + 414 396. 3089 R2 = 0. 9815  Table 5. Peak Areas of Citric Acid in Flasks 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 Flask Retention Peak Area Concentration time (min) (g/L) 5 3. 140 361 921 0. 05 6 3. 208 907 232 0. 1 7 3. 306 4 736 427 0. 5 8 3. 325 7 508 481 0. 75 9 3. 347 9 612 454 1 Calibration Curve Equation:  y = 9 836 731. 501x + 96 328. 12036 R2 = 0. 9994  The equations of the calibration curves were then used to calculate the concentration of each organic acid in the white wine samples. The peak area corresponding to each organic acid was first obtained, and substituted in the calibration curve equation. The concentration of each acid is shown in Table 6. Table 6. Experimental Concentration of Various Organic Acids in White Wine Samples. Organic Retention Peak Area Concentration Acid Time (min) (g/L) Tartaric  2. 966 2 675 651 2. 499 Malic 3. 752 3 576 021 4. 506 Lactic 3. 393 4 709 737 3. 303 Citric 3. 144 794 394 0. 091  The results indicate that malic acid is the major component of white wine. But in reality, this is not the case. The major component of white wine is found to be tartaric acid. The chromatograms (See Appendix) of flasks 1 to 9, and of the sample are not well resolved. This discrepancy may be caused by several factors. These factors include poor solution preparation, contamination of the solvent or the sample, bubbles in the detector, impurities in the mobile phase, bleeding of the column, inadequate adjustment of equilibrium in gradient operation, and carry? over from previous injection. Due to these factors, it is highly advised that the future researchers should cautiously execute each procedure of the experiment to eliminate the discrepancy and accordingly, they could attain better results. They could also make use of theoretical retention times of the organic acids to determine each of them and which could further help the future researchers to analyze the wine sample more efficiently. REFERENCE:  Meyer, Veronika R. Practical High Performance Liquid     Chromatography. 2nd ed. 1993. England: John  Wiley  Sons Ltd. APPENDIX  Data Sheets   Concentration of tartaric acid standard: 50. 0 g/L Concentration of malic acid standard: 50. 0 g/L Concentration of lactic acid standard: 25. 0 g/L Concentration of citric acid standard: 5. 0 g/L Composition of Flasks 1? 9 Volume of standard stock solutions (in mL)  Retention Time Measurement Calibrati on Curve Flask # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Tartaric Acid 5. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 25 0. 50 2. 50 4. 00 Malic Acid 0. 00 7. 50 0. 00 0. 00 0. 10 0. 50 2. 50 5. 00 Lactic Acid 0. 00 0. 00 5. 00 0. 00 0. 10 1. 00 2. 50 3. 00 Citric Acid 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 5. 00 0. 25 0. 50 2. 50 3. 75 9 5. 00 7. 50 5. 00 5. 00 *Chromatograms of flasks 1? 9 and of the white wine sample can be seen in the remaining pages after this. How to cite Hplc, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
John Stuart Mill Essays - Classical Liberalism, Classical Economists
John Stuart Mill After reading 100% of the book, New Ideas From Dead Economists, I chose to write a little summery of John Stuart Mill. I did a little outside research on the subject, because his theories and philosophies were intriguing to me. I was impressed by his change in his views as he entered his mid twenties. John Stuart Mill was born in London on May 20, 1806, and was the oldest son of James Mill. His education, as a boy, was carried out by his father, James Mill. Johns discipline was extremely rigid, as a result, he believed it gave him the intellectual advantage of a quarter century on his contemporaries. Later in life Mill recognized that his fathers extreme system of intellectual discipline gave him little time to develop social and emotional relationships with others. He regretted this aspect of his childhood. Mill was considered a leader in thought at the young age of twenty-one. This is when he encountered a mental crisis. The cause of the crisis, extreme mental and physical strain, gave him as he called it, a dull state of nerves. He realized that the goals in his life, that his father had given him, stolen the feelings out of him. After many months of despair, he found that the emotions within him were not dead. One important factor in this emotional realization was a woman by the name of Mrs. Taylor. She was known to help Mill in authoring works of his, and a good friend. While she was married, Mill held a close relationship with her. After the death of her husband, Mrs. Taylor and John Mill were married in 1851. After this he had great success publishing in multiple literary journals. These articles had ranged from those relating to philosophy and social to political and economic. One of his earliest was with The Westminster Review, but were mostly for The London Review. Through thes e articles, we can trace his gradual development and change in his radical politics. His first real intellectual work appeared in 1843, System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive. This was followed by his, Essays on some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy, in 1844, and, Principles of Political Economy in 1848. In 1859 he wrote On Liberty, and Thoughts on Parliamentary Reform. His Considerations on Representative Government was written in 1860; and in 1863 (after first being published in a magazine) Utilitarianism, one of his most influential writings came to the public. He sat as a member of Parliament from 1865-1868. He advocated three major issues while there; womens suffrage, the interests of the laboring classes and land reform in Ireland. In 1865, came his Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy. In it, he examines the practical and social aspects of Empiricism and Intuitionism Mill died at Avignon on May 8, 1873. A bronze statue of him stands on the Thames embankment in London, and G.F. Watts copy of his original portrait of Mill hangs in the National Gallery there. He was a man of extreme simplicity as far as his way of life was concerned. His influence upon contemporary English thought cant be overlooked. There has been considerable difference on the longevity of his philosophies Economics Essays
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